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Piracy in the Video Game Industry
posted by shwang
on Monday July 11, @01:46AM
from the dept.
shwang writes "It occurred to me that while both the music and movie industries have taken an active stance on stopping piracy, there has not been any movement to stop piracy in the video game industry. And if there has been any sort of movement to stop video game piracy, it's been fairly toned down in the media. This is very interesting as the video game industry is a $7 billion a year industry being a close third to the film industry's $15 billion a year market and the music industry's $16 billion a year market."
GNU compiling on Mac OS X legal issues?
posted by scubacuda
on Wednesday June 08, @12:04AM
from the dept.
Anonymous Coward writes "I have a question. If I link to libstdc++ through G++, is my proprietary
software now a GPL derviative? Does this mean that any Apple Mac OS X
software compiled with the GNU toolchain and linking to the GNU stdlibc++
has the same problem?
libstdc++ is covered by the GPL license: OPYING"
Code theft, License Agreements
posted by scubacuda
on Wednesday June 08, @12:01AM
from the dept.
Halvar Flake writes "Hey all,the company I work for has recently run into a little bit of a legal issue and I'd be interested in hearing your opinions on the matter. (click READ MORE to read the rest of the Flake's post)
Deleting Spyware: A Criminal Act?
Spam busters go on the offensive
posted by scubacuda
on Wednesday January 26, @11:15AM
from the dept.
thebaron writes "The war on spam is far from over, but there was a growing sense among the antispam crusaders gathered at MIT last week that advances on both the legal and technology fronts have turned the tide against the Viagra peddlers and Nigerian princesses. Nobody was claiming that spam will ever be completely eliminated, or even that the amount of spam is decreasing.
But the crowd of more than 100 members of the spam fighting fraternity was buoyed by several of the days presentations."
posted by scubacuda
on Sunday January 23, @03:25PM
from the dept.
John Mitchell writes "The first brief on the merits before the Supreme Court in MGM Studios v. Grokster was filed Friday, January 21, by the Video Software Dealers Association. The brief suggests that while p2p systems may be used for infringing and noninfringing uses, courts should consider whether technologies may be used to reduce infringing uses without over-burdening the system provider, the freedom of speech for non-infringing uses (including by copyright owners who want p2p systems to be used to reach their audiences) or the freedom of competition (including first sale doctrine principles) of retailers and all intermediate software and services (OS, media players, codecs)that make downloading and playback possible. Bringing a retailer perspective, it strikes a balance of respect for copyright and respect for the limits the law places on those copyrights. The brief is available (in PDF) at and at ositionstatements/grokster.htx."
posted by scubacuda
on Saturday January 22, @12:28PM
from the dept.
While sifting through the Blog Torrent mailing list, I came across Thomas Winningham proposal for standardizing how BitTorrent meta data describes the content according to its Creative Common licensing. From
For the Azureus / BitTorrent XML format, the document could reference the CC namespace and then implement the dc: and cc: prefixed tags accordingly.
For the for the actualy BitTorrent protocol bencoded .torrent format, the dc: an cc: tags could simply be more bencoded dictionary items added to the main dictionary object of the .torrent file.
8:dc:title12:Free Culture
This could also support complex relationships, given the URLs of related works:
Think this will or won't work? Send your comments to winningham @ gmail dot com.
Duke's CSPD Announces Moving Image Contest Winners
posted by scubacuda
on Wednesday January 19, @05:32PM
from the dept.
posted by scubacuda
on Wednesday January 19, @04:44PM
from the dept.
The 'nofollow' tag has been endorsed, not only by Google, but also by Yahoo and MSN search. From Google's website: If you're a blogger (or a blog reader), you're painfully familiar with people who try to raise their own websites' search engine rankings by submitting linked blog comments like "Visit my discount pharmaceuticals site." This is called comment spam, we don't like it either, and we've been testing a new tag that blocks it. From now on, when Google sees the attribute (rel="nofollow") on hyperlinks, those links won't get any credit when we rank websites in our search results. This isn't a negative vote for the site where the comment was posted; it's just a way to make sure that spammers get no benefit from abusing public areas like blog comments, trackbacks, and referrer lists.
Think Secret Seeks Free Lawyer
posted by scubacuda
on Tuesday January 18, @12:47AM
from the dept.
19 yro Nicholas Ciarelli (aka Nick dePlume), editor of Think Secret, is looking for free lawyers to defend him against Apple. According to Wired:
On Dec. 28, the website published an article that, citing "highly reliable sources," revealed details of an inexpensive, bare-bones Mac mini computer that would be priced at $500 -- two weeks before the Mac mini was launched at Apple's Macworld conference.
Another Think Secret story on Jan. 6 correctly predicted Apple's rollout at this week's show of a $150, 1-GB version of the company's popular iPod music player. The website goofed, though, on some of the details, citing sources suggesting Apple would also offer a 2-GB version for $200.
While Apple has said the website "solicited information about unreleased Apple products from these individuals, who violated their confidentiality agreements with Apple by providing details that were later posted on the internet," it has declined to answer questions about whether Ciarelli would be sued.
Jennifer Granick
Jennifer Granick is very well known within the hacker community,
having represented (among many others) Kevin Poulsen and alleged eBay hacker Jerome Heckenkamp, who, notoriously, fired her.
Currently, Ms. Granick directs the public interest law and technology clinic at Stanford Law School's Center for Internet and Society.
There, her work focuses on the interaction of free speech, privacy, computer security, law and technology. She's also on the Board of Directors of the Honeynet Project, a computer security research group, and has spoken at the National Security Agency, to law enforcement officials and to computer security professionals
from the public and private sectors in the United States and abroad.
Read on for Greplaw's first Cyberlawyer interview, in which Ms. Granick shares details about serving the public interest, her evolution into a cyberlawyer, and the fact that she doesn't own an MP3 player.

Will the New Surveillance Kill Privacy?
Guest: Jeffrey Rosen, Author, The Unwanted Gaze, and Professor, George Washington University Law School

Can the Internet Turn Dictatorships into Democracies?
Guests: Li Lu, Founder, Himalaya Capital, and a leader of the 1989 Chinese student movement; Drazen Pantic, Fellow, Center for
War, Peace, and News Media, and a leading Internet activist in the former Yugoslavia

Is Innovation Over? And Who Is To Blame?
Guests: Lawrence Lessig, Professor, Stanford Law School, and author, The Future of Ideas

Technology, Freedom and Control [panel: see also part 2]
[Harvard Law School, Journal of Law and Technology, April 20, 2002]