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Palfrey on Diebold, E-Voting, and Copyright
posted by scubacuda
on Monday October 11, @01:56AM
from the dept.
E Anderson writes "A nice summary of Diebold's (mis-)application of copyright with regard to leaked memos about electronic voting machines.
A snippet (from C|Net):
"The judge also found that Diebold had misrepresented its claims against the students, who were indeed protected by their fair use defense. "No reasonable copyright holder could have believed that the portions of the e-mail archive discussing possible technical problems with Diebold's voting machines were protected by copyright," the judge said. Diebold will pay damages to the students and reimburse their lawyers' fees--the first case of its kind to slap the wrist of an over-reaching copyright holder."
More at: t/2010-1028_3-5395784.html"
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