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Deleting Spyware: A Criminal Act?
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Deleting Spyware: A Criminal Act?
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So by committing to that thesis, you must also commit to the legality of p2p software which generally, unfortunately, has been ruled *illegal*
I would argue that Anti-spyware providers are, on the whole, giving the end user a service which does AIM at *blindly* removing spyware.
"Blindly" is the key. If you have had a chance to examine the major anti-spyware programs, you would know that most have a user-reporting tool. This tool is used to determine what is and what is not to be classified as spyware. I believe that it works somewhat like a virtual vote.
Following from this, you ought to look at cases where _______ providers give a)conditions for acceptable use and b) steps aimed at preventing illegal useage
The courts decided that b) entailed for p2p programs the necessary inclusion of a filtering mechanism
Agree or not, the (whatever number it is: i am Canadian) X-day waiting period on guns, the age restriction, and safty-lock mechanisms (some suggest finger-print ID req's) are all meant to prevent the wrong sort of usage.
Furthermore, even in the Betamax case, there was nothing past an implicit suggestion in mechanical capabilities that you *could* use it for illegal use. There is absolutely *no* condoning going on here. Where the Betamax camp said: "here is our new recording product; we can't stop you from recording illegally", the anti-spyware camp says "here is our spyware removing product; you should use it because it is *the best program at removing spyware*: if you want to remove spyware, use our program it will get the job done!"
I believe that those two statements are quite different specifically on a legal interpretation: the anti-spyware programs *promote* *explicitly* the users-of to breach contracts.
Anonymous Coward
on Monday September 19, @08:02AM (#1701)
The trouble with this - and triable in court - is the copious amount of small print - it takes a day to read through some of it ROiWeb Inc. [].
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