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Microsoft's Sender ID Patent Apps Released
posted by scubacuda
on Monday September 27, @01:03AM
from the dept.
netzer writes "Last week, Microsoft filed a disclosure statement with the IETF Secretariat regarding IPR claimed in relation to Sender ID.
CircleID has featured a post by John Levine analyzing the claims: "The IETF MARID working group has been slogging away all summer trying to produce a draft standard about e-mail sender verification. They started with Meng Wong's SPF and Microsoft's Caller ID for E-mail, which got stirred together into a hybrid called Sender ID.
One of the issues hanging over the MARID process has been Microsoft's Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in Caller ID and Sender ID. The IETF has a process described in RFC 3668 that requires contributors to disclose IPR claims related to their contributions. Microsoft has sent in some oracular IPR disclosures about patent applications relative to Caller ID and Sender ID, but with little detail since the applications hadn't been published. But last week, they were published.
I have read the two Microsoft patent applications published last week and analyzed the claims. I'm not a patent lawyer or patent agent, but I have read enough patents over the years that I think I can do an adequate job of figuring out what their claims cover..."
Bonus Links: A two-part background on Sender ID posted by Yakov Shafranovich, former chair of Anti-Spam Research Group (ASRG) of the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) and an IETF member (Part 1 | Part 2)."
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