I could not agree more. This and Professor Fisher's plan should be contingent upon the RIAA being left out. The RIAA's actions prove that they are a corrupt monopoly that serves no useful purpose and harms everyone with suppression of choice and variety in the marketplace.
Current technology allows the elimination of this fat, useless leech. Without the RIAA in the middle, artists stand to make more money and consumers stand to spend less. It would be perfect if the RIAA did not spend millions of dollars in political bribery to protect itself.
We are all more ignorant because of the RIAA. Their members have suppressed technology and collaborated to fix prices. They hate education, they hate children, they hate old people, and they hate the rest of us, too. Cut them loose. Let them sell their Manhattan Bridges elsewhere.
The RIAA needs to lose their funding before we lose more of our rights.
"Anyone who doesn't quote me is paraphrasing."